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Behind the Mask: Compassion

Dallas Spartan Race

Q: What does your call sign mean to you? A: COMPASSION isn’t in the realm of feeling sorry for anyone, it’s about caring for that person enough to not let them settle. It’s about actually giving a shit.

Q: What branch of the military or LEO did you serve in (or are currently serving in), for how long, and what was your job?

A: I was an Army Airborne Interrogator/Russian Linguist. I was in for a little over 3 years.

Q: What is your best or most unforgettable OEW-related memory?
A: Hands down when Brandon Tennery went through our SkyDive program. The way he described his pain leaving his body during free fall was something I’ll never forget.

Q: What is the best thing about being a MAT?

A: Witnessing the change. The honorees that come through (and their families) are going to be pushed to their limit; and to be able to watch them surprise themselves, multiple times, during an event is something you just can’t describe. It’s really inspiring and motivating.

Q: What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in becoming a MAT?

A: Ask yourself if you’re doing this for the right reasons. Know your “why”. It’s a huge commitment in time and effort and we will hold everyone to the same standard.

Q: What is your daily contribution to OEW operations?

A: I am a part of the communication team and I have the privilege of interviewing our awesome Community Ambassadors.

Q: Favorite podcast or book (or both), if any.

A: My favorite book is David Goggins' Autobiography, Can't Hurt Me. I don’t care what anyone says about him; that guy took charge of his own life and made himself a machine. Not many people have the introspection to do that.

Check out our OEW Spotify channel! Each Call Sign will share their own playlists of music that gets them pumped for action or helps them chill during their workday. Follow our channel and receive updates whenever new playlists are posted!

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About INDOC: The application process to apply for the Masked Athlete Team, Warrior INDOC, is now an open enrollment. Pre-requisite is to have military or LEO experience with honorable discharge. E-mail: for submission details.


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