Q: What does your call sign mean to you?
A: It means demonstrating the internal push to achieve an objective, regardless of how difficult it may be. It serves as a constant reminder to do what is needed.
Q: Why did you commit to the Masked Athlete program?
A: I had been involved with OEW from the beginning and was always moved when I saw the impact it had on people. As a 100% volunteer organization, that impact is only possible because of those that volunteer and commit to help the organization. Though I was supporting OEW as an OCA, I knew I could do more.
Q: What is your best or most unforgettable OEW-related memory?
A: It was my first OCR with Earl Granville, a Spartan Super at Wintergreen. I’ll never forget our group of OCA’s coming up on him around mile 3. No one knew he was there because he had set out to do the course by himself, carrying a sledgehammer that doubled as a walking stick, along with a spare prosthetic in a ruck. Seeing his tenacity and perseverance on the course the rest of the day, as well as how other people fed off that, was inspiring beyond description. I’ll never forget the people laid out on the side of the mountain within an inch of giving up, then seeing how their expression changed when they saw Earl moving up the mountain. Then they pulled themselves together and started moving again. Seeing the power of example, and how the actions of an individual can impact total strangers like that will forever stick with me. All those people were close to quitting but were inspired by Earl, so instead they can look back at that day and know they have it in them to push through mental & physical barriers.
Q: What would you like people to know about OEW?
A: Your support, whether financial or in time, really does make a difference. You can see it in our honorees eyes, and hear it their voices. We aren’t trying to change the world, just make a difference in the lives of veterans, and their families.
Q: Motto or principle you live by.
A: I credit a teammate with familiarizing me with this: “Life is only as complicated as you make it. Keep it simple. Do good and don’t be a dick.”

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About INDOC: The application process to apply for the Masked Athlete Team Warrior INDOC opens on an as-needed basis for a short window of submission. Requirements are men or women with military or LEO experience. Announcements are made via social media. Follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts and check back frequently for our open enrollment announcement.