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Behind the Mask: Initiative

Q: What does your call sign mean to you? A:  To me my call sign means to stay true to the core of tirelessly pushing forward for what is right.  Silent professionalism plays a big part in this and I feel it is better to see the end results.  Not the person behind it.

Q: What branch of the military did you serve in (or are currently serving in), for how long, and what was your job? A: I served in the US Navy from 1993-2005 as an nuclear field enlisted submariner and 2005-2007 as a Nuclear Officer .

Q: What is your best or most unforgettable OEW-related memory? A: Indoc.  The bonds forged through that exercise will be lifelong.  The character established, unforgettable.


Q: What is the best thing about being a MAT? A: The best thing about being a MAT is the sense of self accomplishment you aid in establishing in a person who didn’t realize they were capable of greatness.  You help people find their inner awesome without them realizing you were there to mentor and foster that trait.


Q: What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in becoming a MAT? A: The best piece of advice I can give someone wanting to become a MAT is.....  it’s not about you.  The less you are seen and heard the better.  Mission over self.

Q: What is your daily contribution to OEW operations? A: I serve as an officer and my department is a full-time animal. Our goal has always been to continue to grow and create a diverse range of active recovery tools to be able to help the greatest amount of people.

Q: Motto or principle you live by. A: I have three mottos I live by:

     A. Live beyond limits

     B. Live out loud

     C. Go, Be, Do

Q: How do you stay in shape for the demands of the MAT? A: There’s is no secret.  Just be active.  Don’t be a slug.  I can still run sub 6-minute miles or go Adventure for 100 miles.  The only way to keep that possible is to never stop moving.

Check out our OEW Spotify channel! Each Call Sign will share their own playlists of music that gets them pumped for action or helps them chill during their workday. Follow our channel and receive updates whenever new playlists are posted!

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About INDOC: The application process to apply for the Masked Athlete Team, Warrior INDOC, is now an open enrollment. Pre-requisite is to have military or LEO experience with honorable discharge. E-mail: for submission details.


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