Q: What does your call sign mean to you?
A: As a Marine, from day one of boot camp, Semper Fidelis or Always Faithful, is ingrained in our minds, it becomes our new way of life. As a Police Officer, we are similarly taught that we are "our Brother's keeper". Both professions teach us to live a lifestyle, loyal to your Brother and Sister Marines and Officers. When selected to be a Team Athlete, no other word meant more to me, to bridge my two professions and the love I have for each, than Loyalty.
Q: What branch of the military or LEO did you serve in (or are currently serving in), for how long, and what was your job?
A: I am in the United States Marine Corps, serving as a Civil Affairs Non Commissioned Officer in the Reserves. I enlisted in 2006 as an Aviation Firefighter but switched to Civil Affairs after returning from Iraq in 2010. Due to my Reserve Unit shutting down, I'm in the process of reenlisting for a new MOS as a Forward Observer. I’m also a Detective for a NJ County Police - Metro Division, assigned to the Shooting Response Team.
Q: Why did you commit to the Masked Athlete program?
A: I've focused most of my life to helping others. When I attended my first race with OEW and saw how amazing the MAT members were in helping the Adaptive Athletes getting through the course and, seeing what they silently did for me and my pup, I knew I wanted to strive to earn my spot along side of them.
Q: Motto or principle you live by.
A: Try everything once; twice if you like it.
Q: What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in becoming a MAT?
A: Know your why, and why you’re doing it.
Q: What would you like people to know about OEW?
A: You need to find your WHY first. If you just want a helmet and mask or are looking to use the mask to make events harder, MAT isn't for you. Find your WHY and you'll find your purpose in being MAT.
Q: What is your favorite event and why?
A: My favorite event is the Spartan AGOGE. It's a 60 + hour endurance events that pushes you to the limit, and then way beyond it. What I enjoyed most about it was that our OEW team of 4 grew closer as the hours grew longer. It's not your typical event and the MAT relied on the AA's just as must as we relied on them, which made for a great team dynamic.
Q: How do you stay in shape for the demands of the MAT?
A: Having a 3 year old son to chase around keeps me on my feet and ready for anything demanded of my as MAT! But more than physical shape, I keep my head clear and strong. I'm not the MAT in the best shape. I don't run the fastest and cannot do the most pull ups, but; I'll never quit because I won't let my head allow me to.

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About INDOC: The application process to apply for the Masked Athlete Team, Warrior INDOC, is now an open enrollment. Pre-requisite is to have military or LEO experience with honorable discharge. E-mail: indoc@enduringwarrior.org for submission details.