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Behind the Mask: Mettle

Q: What does your call sign mean to you?

A: To me, Mettle captures how we react to adversity and continue to move forward despite the challenges we face. It exemplifies our inner character and represents the drive of those who strive to overcome whatever challenges life may throw at you.

Q: What branch of the military did you serve in (or are currently serving in), for how long, and what was your job?

A: I served 20 years in the Marine Corps as an F/A-18 Pilot, JTAC, and commanded a company of Marines in an infantry battalion.

Q: What is your best or most unforgettable OEW-related memory?

A: My most unforgettable memory was my first event as a MAT. We were supporting John Hunt in his first OCR. We lined up to march on and as we stepped off with Scotland the Brave playing, I cannot put into words, the honor I felt to be part of something that was going to help make his dream come true. It still gives me chills when I think back about that day.

2017 Rugged Maniac, VA
Q: What is the best thing about being a MAT?
A: For me the best thing about being a MAT is the sense of pride I feel for our honorees as they figure out how to overcome their challenges and to be successful in their goals.

Q: What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in becoming a MAT?

A: Ask yourself why you think you want to become a MAT member over assisting OEW in some other capacity. The sacrifice required to support the organization and its mission is not a small one and requires a significant investment of time, energy, and dedication. It’s not about wearing the mask because that is such a small part of what we do.

Q: What is your daily contribution to OEW operations?

A: I am one of the Officers that help to run the organization. We work behind the scenes to make sure that OEW has a direction, is properly funded, and postured to make sure we can support our honorees.

Q: Motto or principle you live by

A: Always do what’s right, no matter what.

Q: How do you stay in shape for the demands of the MAT?

A: I try to mix up the types of workouts that I do. I don’t really train for specific events but more to be ready for whatever might come next. I teach fitness classes several times a week and in my off days workout to maintain an overall fitness level.

Check out our OEW Spotify channel! Each Call Sign will share their own playlists of music that gets them pumped for action or helps them chill during their workday. Follow our channel and receive updates whenever new playlists are posted!

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About INDOC: The application process to apply for the Masked Athlete Team, Warrior INDOC, is now an open enrollment. Pre-requisite is to have military or LEO experience with honorable discharge. E-mail: for submission details.


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