Q: What does your call sign mean to you?
A: RELENTLESS is going after a goal with a consistent persistence and refusing to quit, in spite of anything and everything,until the mission is accomplished.
Q: What branch of the military did you serve in (or are currently serving in) and for how long?
A: U.S. Army, 20 years.
Q: Why did you commit to the Masked Athlete program?
A: I enlisted in the Army when the recruiting slogan was "Be All You Can Be". I've not always succeeded, but I've tried to apply that slogan to most things in my adult life. I believed the MAT would provide me with opportunities to give back and demand I be at my very best for those we honor.
Q: What is your best or most unforgettable OEW-related memory?
A: At the 2016 Fort Bragg Spartan, my team was assigned to assist Nick Koulchar. Nick did some amazing things all day long, but I'll never forget watching him do the entire sandbag carry by himself. In addition to watching Nick absolutely beast through this terrain, witnessing the non-OEW race participants' faces (and listening to their comments) as they passed was priceless.
Q: What is the best thing about being a MAT?
A: Watching the love and jubilation pour out when an honoree and loved one work together to achieve something they once believed was impossible. It's always great to watch an honoree overcome the obstacles thrown at them, but the experience is magnified a thousand times when they're able to do it with their spouse or child.
Q: What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in becoming a MAT?
A: Before applying, do some soul searching and be 100% sure you're doing it for the right reason - the mission. You will ultimately fail if it's about your ego or if you think wearing the mask is for cool guys/gals. I can tell you first hand that being in the mask for 10 hours, in 95-degree heat over a 6,000 ft. elevation change, will test your "why".
Q: Motto or principle you live by.
A: "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" - Steve Prefontaine

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About INDOC: The application process to apply for the Masked Athlete Team Warrior INDOC opens on an as-needed basis for a short window of submission. Requirements are men or women with military or LEO experience. Announcements are made via social media. Follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts and check back frequently for our open enrollment announcement.