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Behind the Mask: Trustworthy

Updated: Nov 25, 2019

Q: What does your call sign mean to you?

A: All through INDOC we were told that the family members of our Honorees are trusting us to make sure there loved one returns safely. As we depart on an adventure with their loved ones, one of the last things they’ll see is the word TRUSTWORTHY, and they will know they can trust me and my team that we will return their loved one safely. 

Q: What branch of the military or LEO did you serve in (or are currently serving in), for how long, and what was your job?

A: I am currently a police officer in the state of New York. I’ve been with my current department in the patrol division for 6.5 years. I have 11 years total in law enforcement. 

Q: Why did you commit to the Masked Athlete program?

A: With the addition of the Task Force Sentinel program I wanted to be able to reach out and help our wounded law enforcement veterans. Being from New York, with New York City being within driving distance, and the amount of line of duty injuries they have, I want to develop a contact within that department to try and help the injured officers. Also, there are 3 police academies within the Capital Region of New York. I’ve been trying to get a contact with in those academies to try and do outreach and spread the word about OEW.

Q: Motto or principle you live by.
A: When times are tough, reach down, dig deep, and push forward. Find your why!

Q: What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in becoming a MAT?

A: Know your why, and why you’re doing it.

Q: What would you like people to know about OEW?

A: With the Task Force Sentinel program still in its infancy, I would like to be able to spread the word about it more, and let all of my law enforcement brothers and sisters and know that we are here to help. You don’t have to be too proud to reach out and ask for help. 

Q: What is your favorite event and why?

A: While the Red Bull 400 will always hold a special place in my heart, I have to say my favorite event was the Police Week memorial walk. We walked 1 mile for every law enforcement officer that was killed in the line of duty. There are names on the wall in Washington DC of people I went to high school with and of a member of my department. The police memorial is something that’s special to me.

Check out our OEW Spotify channel! Each Call Sign will share their own playlists of music that gets them pumped for action or helps them chill during their workday. Follow our channel and receive updates whenever new playlists are posted!

Listen to Trustworthy's playlist here.

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About INDOC: The application process to apply for the Masked Athlete Team, Warrior INDOC, is now an open enrollment. Pre-requisite is to have military or LEO experience with honorable discharge. E-mail: for submission details.


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