Our #OEWFamily is amazing and today we introduce you to one, Jeff Belt. Keep reading to learn more about Jeff.
In his own words: "I served as an 0311-infantry rifleman in the United States Marine Corps. I first met OEW on the Ruck to Remember 60 to 60 in 2017 as the M.A.T guys did the final miles with us and it was incredible. My most memorable moments, however, was most recently at War X. I had the honor and privilege to aid the MAT in assisting our honorees. I am humbled and forever inspired by the drive, perseverance and DFQ attitude of everyone in my OEW family. I am just humbled and honored to work with the caliber of human beings that are our honorees, MAT and OCA'S."

We asked him what his advice is to someone who wants to get involved: “My advice would be to step up and join. Make even the smallest commitment to attend one of our events and see for yourself what we are all about. The actions and spirit of everyone in the OEW family speak for themselves. You will not be disappointed. OEW is family. We support, inspire and challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves.”
Thank you for being a part of our Family, Jeff. We are proud to have your support.