What is your occupation? I’m an analyst. That’s what I was in the Army, and since then, I’ve continued to retool those skills for different industries. Currently, I am employed at The Home Depot as a Staff Engineer, where I work on special projects and root cause analysis surrounding systems delivery and provisioning.
How long have you been an OCA? Since March of 2019. Danny Stokes and Jeff Farmer brought me home to OEW leading into and after Bataan.
How did you get involved? As I stated, I owe everything to Danny Stokes and Jeff Farmer for bringing me to OEW. I met Danny at a GoRuck event while training for Bataan back in January. Later Danny reached out needing assistance with moving the OEW trailer from South Carolina to New Mexico for Bataan. While doing logistics for the move, Danny mentioned that I would be picking up the trailer from a man named Jeff Farmer. To be honest, I cried at first. Jeff Farmer was one of the most respected men I had ever known in the Army. He was one of my Drill Sergeants at AIT 19 years earlier. Long story short, I joined OEW for Bataan, and I haven’t looked back since. I’ll never be able to thank Danny and Jeff enough, but I’ll be damned if I won’t try. The only thing Jeff really told me was: Just Show Up. I pass that on to everyone I meet. Wanna see change in people? JUST SHOW UP!

Most memorable moment? I would say the first time I saw Jeff Farmer for the first time in 19 years, prior to Bataan, back before I knew what OEW was.
What’s your next event with OEW? As of today, I am writing this while working with the Bradford Rainier Summit Team. My next event will be the Utah Spartan with Chris Wolff next weekend, as soon as I head out from Seattle. WOOT!!!
Why should people become OCAs for OEW? I can’t tell anyone why, bc your why should be personal. What I would challenge is that everyone should join us for an event. Come see what we do. Experience it firsthand. We’d love to see you there.